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青  铜

原文:阅读 tpo2 passage1

Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. 

题目:According to paragraph 3, the loss of natural vegetation has which of the following consequences for soil?

• A Increased stony content

• B Reduced water absorption

• C Increased numbers of spaces in the soil

• D Reduced water runoff

原文的reduction of  vegetation和result in在题干中分别替换成了loss of natural vegetation和consequences,本质上就是考察了这几个单词的同意替换。正确答案也是简单地把原文soil’s ability to absorb substantial quantities of water改写为 reduced water absorption,只把absorb这个关键词的词性改了一下,还是能看到一些原文的影子。


白  银

阅读Tpo40 passage2 

However, the idea that amphibians have no control whatsoever over their body temperature has been proven false because their body temperature does not always correspond to the surrounding temperature According to paragraph 1, what indicates that amphibians have some control over their body temperature?

• A Amphibians can regulate their metabolic rates to generate energy.

• B Amphibians use the same means of thermoregulation as mammals and birds do.

• C The body temperature of amphibians sometimes differs from the temperature of their surroundings.

• D The body temperature of amphibians is independent of their metabolic activity.

原文中“amphibians have no control over their body temperature has been proven false”的双重否定改写成题干的肯定表达“amphibians have some control over their body temperature”,”doesn’t correspond to the surrounding temperature”改写成“differs from temperature of their surroundings” 这类同意转换是词组的替换,但句子结构上没有很大差别,能够正确定位的话,也比较容易识别。

钻  石

听力:tpo54 set3

Well, Cotter speculated that rivers changed worldwide, but he couldn’t prove it… because he only had evidence from the one North American mountain chain. 

What limitation of Cotter’s research does the professor mention? 

• A Cotter’s research findings could not be replicated.

• B Cotter’s research was based on one geographical area.

• C Cotter’s research did not take into account lateral accretion.

• D Cotter’s research did not account for changes in climate.

如果看到这道题你马上回到笔记上去找limitation的话,多半这道题就要凉凉了。原文根本没有出现limitation这个词,所以需要一定程度的理解才能定位到这个位置。即使正确定位也需要意识到“only had evidence from the one North American mountain chain.” 也被简化为“based on one geographical area”才可以选出正确答案。

王  者

听力:tpo33 set2

What is the lecture mainly about? 

• A Building techniques that were common in the ancient world

• B Evidence of several early attempts to build a pyramid

• C Possible answers to an ancient mystery

• D The history of the pyramids of Egypt

原文:The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt might be the most famous building in the world.We know exactly when it was built-construction started in 2547 B.C.E.-about 4,500 years ago.We know who had it built, that was the Pharaoh Khufu, and we know who oversaw its construction: the Pharaoh's brother. We know so many things about it, but the funny thing is, we still don't know exactly how it was built.

最后这类经常出现在阅读和听力的主旨题当中,与其说是同意转换不如说是对全文或者全段内容的概括或总结。例题文章讲我们知道是谁建的金字塔,知道是谁监管的,但不知道到底是如何建造的,后文展开了几种可能的建造方式。正确选项“possible answers to an ancient mystery”中都没有出现一个全文的关键词“pyramid”,非常容易被同学们第一个排除,然后在三个错误答案中苦苦徘徊。所以在主旨题我们一定要注意这种总结性很强的同意转换,“an ancient mystery”=“how the pyrimid was built”,“possible answers”=后文讲到的几种猜想。要建立起这样的意识我们才能快速的找到正确答案。




