SAT改革,College Board 决心要在考试过程中“去技巧化”,于是出国党的孩子们叫苦不迭,甚至开始纠结,ACT&SAT两种考试中该如何选择,其实在我看来,SAT or ACT? That is not a question. 阅读本没有什么所谓的技巧, 从根本上去提升核心能力素质,才能更好的应对考试以及未来的大学生活。
小品《卖车》中有一个脑筋急转弯题,问:“你家的狗为什么不生跳蚤?”范伟回答说是因为讲卫生,而正确答案却是:“因为狗只能生狗,生不出别的玩意儿来!”范伟说:“你说是出生的生啊!”这个问题也是概念的问题,范伟的理解是“寄生”的生,高秀敏说的是“出生”的生,虽是同一 个字,但是表达的却是两个不同的概念。许多脑筋急转弯都是通过概念的转换来的。
1. 标准不明
2. 指代不清
3. 比较对象和比较结果模糊
一、 标准不明:
(现行SAT OG5 P674)
14. In the context of the passage, Clayton's statement in line 46 ("I think ... practice") emphasizes his
(A) need to make a dramatic first impression
(B) willingness to disrupt a fixed routine
(C) consuming interest in music
(D) distaste for competition
(E) insecurity around other musicians
After rehearsal she reminded him that her books were in his locker.
"I think I'll go practice," he said. "Would you like to listen?"
文章是一个小说的节选,故事的男主人公Clayton是一名校园交响乐团的热爱拉大提琴的学生。女主人公 Virginia 也是交响乐团的一名大提琴手,并且对男主有些好感。二人在排练结束之后,男主人公说了句:“我觉得我还要继续再练一会儿”题目问的是,这句话表明了什么?
由于篇章有限,我只针对于一个常见错误选项进行分析。这道题目的正确选项是C. 然而,在这道题目中,有很多同学会错选B 想要打破一个固定的路线或者习惯。
在这里的“fixed routine”就是标准不明,为什么呢?因为,文章并没有告诉我们,排练结束后,继续再练一会是Clayton 的固定习惯,还是排练结束后不再练习是固定习惯。在标准不明的情况下,我们就不能选择 Clayton 继续训练是想要打破一个固定的习惯。
我们再来看一个SAT 阅读真题中的例子:
2010年1月 S4
22. Virgil’s reference to a “brand new shoe”(line57) does which of the following ?
A.Offers a surprise discovery
B. Introduces a recurrent symbol
C. Indicate a feeling of discomfort
D. Evoke a sensory impression
E. Implies a sense of regret
We pulled in for the night some twelve hours after leaving Chicago and checked into a nameless motel. We stayed in cabin that smelled like a brand new shoe.
二、 指代不清:
(SAT 2012年5月Sunday S2)
22. In lines 26-27, the narrator uses capital letters to
A. Gently poke fun at a certain concepts
B. Dramatically underscore the importance of technology
C. Earnestly encourage people to pursue certain goals
D. Sarcastically illustrate the incompatibility of two ideas
E. Indirectly hint at the unusualness of some beliefs
We’d all read the accompanying brochure and knew the caravan allied the power of progress with the concept of free will: we would Travel in the Modern Way and Go As We Pleased. Although we never did. We went where our mother told us, which turned out to be Norfolk.
这道题目很多同学会错选成D. 讽刺了两个想法的不相容。 这里就存在着一个指代不明的错误,这两个想法到底指的是什么?应该是“Travel in the Modern Way”和“Go As We Pleased”,然而这两个想法并不存在矛盾。很多同学错选D,是将two ideas误认为我们能够去任何想去的地方和我们哪也去不了,但是“Although we never did”哪也去不了, 这只能算是一个事实,而不能叫做idea. 这就是典型的“two ideas”在原文中的指代不清而造成的问题。
所以这道题目的正确答案应该是A. 讽刺了某些概念。宣传册上尽管这样说,但是实际上哪也没去成,讽刺了宣传册上所说的内容。
三、 比较对象和比较结果模糊
在SAT和ACT阅读中,特别喜欢考察关系(relationship),尤其在新SAT改革之后,也明确说明对于relationship 的考察。而其中,比较和对比关系也是这类考试中常考内容,学生们除了要了解比较结构和句型之外,还要在头脑中把概念弄清楚,一般要缕清两点:比较对象和比较结果。如果任何一点模糊不清,就容易造成失误。
(SAT真题 2005年3月 S6)
20. Lines 40-43 (“All of . . . her”) suggest which of the following about the customers in the saloon bar?
(A) They do not recall those occasions when Mrs. Deverell was kind to them.
(B) They feel that Mrs. Deverell is still essentially the same person that she has always been.
(C) They are not especially well acquainted with Mrs. Deverell.
(D) They are more generous toward themselves than they are toward Mrs. Deverell.
(E) They do not generally share the opinions of the barkeeper’s wife.
原文定位: All of their kindnesses were remembered and brooded over; any past kindness Mrs. Deverell had done—and they were many—only served to underline the change which had come over her.
原文翻译:“他们的好处都被记住并且被反复思考,任何Deverell 的好处——并且做过很多好事——都只是用来反衬现在的不好。”
在这里有个对比关系,在沙龙里的顾客他们自己的善良,以及Deverell 的善良,对比的结果是:沙龙里顾客的善良都被记住了,然而Deverll 的善良也被记住了,但都只是为了强调现在的不好。
这道题目最易错选A. 他们记不起Deverell善良的时候。主要是对比结果把握不准确,他们是能够记得起Deverell善良的时候的。
ACT 官方指南 P321
7. The distinction the narrator makes between children in general and the children of immigrants in particular is that
A. Children of immigrants inevitably have to watch their parents return to a state of childlike vulnerability while other children may not
B. The inevitable shift from being the vulnerable child to protecting the vulnerable parent takes place sooner for children of immigrants than for
other children.
C. Children of immigrants anticipate assuming the role of protectors of their parents, while other children ate taken by surprise by the inevitable responsibility
D. Children of immigrants are misunderstood by their parents to a greater degree than are other children.
All children of immigrant parents have experienced these moments. When it first occurs, when the parent first reveals the behavior of a child, is a defining moment. Of course, all children eventually watch their parents’ astonishing return to the vulnerability of childhood, but for us the process begins much earlier than expected.
这道题目最易错选A. 移民家的孩子不可避免要见证父母回到孩子般脆弱的时刻,而普通的孩子就不会见到父母脆弱的时刻。
显然原文所说的不是“是否”的问题,而是“早晚”的问题。比较结果不明,造成概念模糊而失误。 所以这道题目的正确答案应该是B.
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